Why is Ameware Group more than a hiring agency?
Despite complaining about a shortage of time, we all have the same amount of it, 24 hours a day. No matter your position, C-level or just an HR, we’re equal in this regard. And when it comes to hiring, there is no limit on how much you can spend on finding the right fit. The issues can be well-known, like a shortage of local talent or an overpriced market. Some can be hidden until you run into it, like zero candidates with AOSP expertise in your area. For non-technical people and a fair share of technical ones, there is going to be a big question of what AOSP means in the first place?
If an HR specialist cannot find those within a defined timeframe, it doesn’t mean that they are bad at their job. With grow of the remote market and millions of new opportunities online, like international job boards, email campaigns and LinkedIn hiring, candidates have endless opportunities to find a job wherever they want and many of them never stop looking even after they accepted a generous offer.
In a race like this, wins the one who never stops looking for top-notch specialists. Here the hiring agencies come to light.
Some managers would firmly say no to it, motivating rejection by why do I pay my HR then? Or I don’t want to pay a salary to my HR plus a fee to an agency. Blind rejection of common practice gives nothing but limiting your team’s ability to grow professionally and culturally. Because working with an agency may not cost you a fortune, but in fact, save it. And you don’t have to go wild and dive into the Indian market for that. While it might be the cheapest option, but sometimes for the sanity of your team (and yours), there is a possibility to explore a market that is within your mentality/religion and still cuts your costs, the Eastern European market.
There were said so much about the importance of accepting the help and learning new ways of getting it.
Everything comes with a price, you say.
But what if the price of hiring an Eastern European candidate plus an agency fee is less than hiring local talent, while our pool of candidates counts in dozens of thousands? Would you go for it?
But what if we provide you with 5+ years of experience candidate within 3-5 working days or less? We screen them, run free technical interviews to avoid disturbing your team and give you the best of the best only?
What if we also give you a 1-3 months warranty after a successful candidate start date? And if you won’t be happy with them, we’ll provide you with a new developer asap.
Is it really going to be within our local market price?
Yes, it is and even lower.
This being said, Ameware Group can give you much more than that.
Ameware Group loves start-ups. We cannot help but admire new ideas, and we always eager to support them. This is why we offer a free technical consultation with our all-mighty CTO and widely experienced software architect Paul, who is in close relationships with software development for nearly two decades. He can help you to choose/adjust your technical stack to suit best for your idea, and he’ll give his thoughts on the human resources planning, including outlining the main requirements for the position descriptions.
If you don’t have technical personnel to run the interviews, Ameware Group does them absolutely for free. With Ameware Group you pay only for successful candidates, according to the price list without hidden fees.
At Ameware Group we understand that some projects ramp up fast, and we promise to keep up with your speed (this why we often use the rocket in our presentations). If you want to hire individuals, we can give you that. If you want to hire a whole team or a number of teams we have resources for that, too.
We can also add a team lead or a tech lead to the team per request.

So, why Ameware Group is more than a usual agency? The simple (and boring) answer is we provide a wider range of services. The answer that we like — because we care about our clients, big and small, we adjust and not afraid to change our process to satisfy our clients’ needs perfectly.